Monday, March 21, 2011

Prayers from Cosplayers to Japan

Hi guys! I'm sure without much need for an introduction, you guys would know I'm talking about the 8.9 Richter Earthquake and Tsunami that struck Japan on the 11th March 2011. 

I just want to express my heartfelt concerns and well wishes to all the victims of this natural phenomenon. And being a cosplay blog, I would like to take this chance to introduce this website called 'Prayers from Cosplayers ' to all of you. It is a campaign to let cosplayers all around the world gather together to show their encouragements and support to Japan!

*Singaporeans reading this, please SMS "RedCross" to 75772 to donate $50 to the Japan earthquake victims.

Just take a photo of yourself in costume with a piece of paper that has the japan flag symbol and your well wishes. Then upload the photo to the website.

I'll admit I wasn't for the whole "Support events" idea initially because I'm a practical person who believes donation is better than anything (I still think it is). And I didn't want to be seen as trying to get something out of this catastrophe.

But then I realise, for a country with almost unparallel economic and financial standing... money is not what the people need most (it of course is, but I'm referring to the spiritual sense). And that words of comfort can be the most powerful healing power on earth. I am most touched by how united and well behaved the people of Japan is in such times of crisis. No looting or raping and a lot of graciousness. What more can a society ask for? 

I have to admit, the biggest part to hit me about this catastrophe is not the gravity of the situation but how selfless all of them responded to the situation. For that, I cry and pray =|

So cosplayers all around the world, lets put on our costumes and show the motherland of our hobby some well deserved support!

I might be doing some charity drive to hopefully contribute in a more practical way. So stay tuned >.<