I’m gonna sharing some old news I just found. But Before that, let me introduce two sports to you.
Kickboxing (?) refers to the sport of combining the grace and style of boxing with kicking. Kickboxing is a standing sport and does not allow continuation of the fight once a combatant has reached the ground.
And then the next sport that we are so familiar with.
Cosplay (コスプレ, kosupure?), short for "costume play",[1] is a fan labor type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea.
How can these 2 sports on the extreme ends of the chart fit together ? And why the hell am I writing these on my blog??
Because there is someone called Nagashima Yuichiro. And he is a Cosplay kick Boxer. A Cosplay Fighter.
Erm yeah… his not just any normal Crossdressing Cosplayer. He goes on stage and fight thigh to thigh.
It is honestly a little scary and breath taking to hear this news. In fact, I think my jaws hit the floor and snapped back up for a moment there.
But after getting my senses back I think i kinda liked the idea. Very very……..weird. But hey, its just a fan of the animanga world showing his intense passion for his hobby. And how many adults can do that?
I know I can’t =\
So even though I still find it eye scorching to look at his cosplays, I do sincerely wish him well and may he fight all the way to the top! That will show some of those anti-anime/manga elitist a thing or two! Being a fan of something branded ‘childish’ can be difficult sometimes because we are always so stereotyped and labeled failures *shrug*. And we need successful professionals to show them otherwise.
Though I think he really ought to put more effort into practicing his kicks rather than those dance steps =X