Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Haul - Queen's Blade Vante

Not really a Haul, but a box this time. I wonder what's in the box? I was suppose to get this tomorrow by the shipping company, but my wife said I had a box on my desk. "Can someone bring me a damn knife or scissors so I can open this thing!".

I had order this so long ago, I almost forgot about it. Since I had Yuit, I know I needed to pre-order Vante. How can you have one without the other I thought to myself. Any addition to my Queen's Blade collection is always a time of joy and happiness for me (PERVERT).

I had to undress her to get all the plastic off and you can FULLY undress her. The only grip I have right now it the purple plastic over her main body is not user friendly. It is actually a soft rubber and the itty-bitty holes for the plastic pegs are too damn small to get them back in. After I 1/2 hour trying, I just gave up and re-dress her as is.

I liked the fact that they included a small stand for Yuit as well. Here are the final shots for now until I have time to do a full blown review and photo spread.